She was wearing a dark blue uniform and hanging a pink ID card on her neck. Her tied black hair was lying down over her back. Customers came to the counter to order a beverage. They seemed like Chinese. She kept eye contact and gave them warm smiles. After a short conversation, they got back to their seats. She moved to manufacturing desk and started to make an order. She turned on the espresso machine and put a tiny stainless steel cup on the bottom of the machine. She pushed the small rectangle button on the front. A black coffee dripped into the cup. During the machine working, she took a plastic cup from the bundle. She lifted up a scoop of ice and filled the cup with them. Also she poured the water into a cup. It flowed down the ices. Shortly ices were flooded and floated. All the process was fast and accurate. She was a seasoned barista. She added the black coffee to ice cup. It spread slowly like watercolor. She pumped the syrup twice with her right hand. Finally she put a dome lid on and pink sleeve, stuck a pink straw. She twisted her body to pick up desk and spoke up loud. "Here's your ice Americano." Customer came to the desk. She smiled brightly and handed over it.
It felt like I was sitting in a cafe watching the barista making orders of coffee. You may add some more details about the person herself for any improvements since you have written enough about the process and what she did