Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Hong Chae-ryoung/Task 4.2 & 4.4/Thursday 1-3pm

Task 4.2


            I can never get bored of going to the movie theaters to watch the latest movies. Some may think that the price of movie tickets is quite pricy, but it is always thrilling to watch movies in big theaters, which never feels the same with watching movies at home. I often relieve my stress by treating myself to go out to the cinemas. I went back to the theaters once again to watch 'Doctor Strange' that I have been longing for a few months.

            The first thing I hear as soon as I close my eyes is the ushers asking for tickets to check before they let people into the theaters. "May I see your tickets, please?" is repeatedly heard, sitting on the couch in front of the theater doors. Some people are excited to watch the latest movie that they have been anticipating for; I can just notice it right away from their high toned voices. I had a bucket of popcorn and a cold soft drink in my hands, waiting for them to start in a few minutes. The popcorn bucket was slippery and greasy near the top because of the grease of freshly popped popcorns. The cold soft drink cup kept feeling like as if it were sweating, since the cup was literally half full of ice. It was slowly melting inside leaving condensations on the surface of the cup. Furthermore, the whole movie theater is always full of savory, salty and buttery smell of popcorn, which makes me buy a bucket of popcorn in the end almost every time no matter how much I promise myself not to get snacks before I go in. It was hard for me to resist nibbling the popcorn because of such mouthwatering smell. As I nibbled on the popcorn even before entering the theater, I tried as best as I can not to eat too much before the movie actually started. However, the grease of the butter in my mouth with savory and salty taste of the popcorn made my fingers keep reaching for another one without even myself noticing. After having about 6 little popcorns, I then grab my drink to rinse out the grease in my mouth and feel refreshed, yet again only to reach for another tiny popcorn. The irresistible popcorn and soft drink routine goes on and on like a loop that you cannot get away from until you reach the bottom of the empty popcorn bucket eventually.


Task 4.4


Sight: row of private desks and chairs, main desk for the supervisor, a long alley starting from one end and ending on the other end of the room, books and studying materials scattered on desks, chocolate bars half eaten, wrappers of snacks lying around

Sound: no talking or chatting noise, wind hitting the metal window frames, pens clicking, pencils and pens being written on pieces of paper

Smell: stuffy warm air from the heater, chocolates and candies

Touch: cold surface of desks, sticky wrappers of candies, wet and damp pages from spilt water


            The study room in my high school that I would normally go to after school is one of the places that I spent most of my senior year of high school. All of my high school friends studied there altogether and it has so many memories from my last year of teenage years.

            The study room had 5 rows of tall private desks that had shelves on the top of each desk and each one of them was separated by partitions to allow students to focus on themselves more. The desks and chairs looked all the same; rows of desks standing next to one another created little alleys in between the rows, just enough for the chairs not to bump into each other when they are not tucked under the desks. The rows would literally start from one end of the room and end on the other side, with more than a hundred desks fitting into the room. All desks had books and studying materials scattered and several pens, pencils and highlighters lying around that anyone could notice that someone is in the middle of intense studying. There are also some snacks on desks, some are half eaten and some are already gone only with the wrappers left. There is no such talking, chatting or whispering sound in the room; every single student was very much aware of behaving mannerly in the study room. The sound of the early winter wind continuously hitting the metal window frames was the loudest heard in the room, and some clicking sounds of pens from time to time. The writing sound was also heard, some students preferred pens while others liked pencils. It was early winter but it had got so cold all of a sudden that the heater was turned on. The heater spitted out warm but stuffy air that made some students fall asleep on their desks; however, it was not always easy to freshen up the air in the room because the cold wind was blowing so hard outside. Some sweet smell of chocolates and candies came from the wrappers, which also seemed very sticky looking very unpleasant to touch any part of it. There were always someone who spilt water on their desk and wet their pieces of paper and pages of their books, looking damp that urgently needs blow dryers to dry them out.


  1. Your essay about the movie theaters is very relatable. I think many people including myself can relate to the the feeling of watching movies on the big screen. You did an excellent job of describing the smell and image of food such as popcorn being greasy and salty. I could almost taste it as I was reading. You captured the atmosphere of the theater perfectly and it does help that you chose somewhere relatable. More than spending time on the description of the place you focused on recalling the readers memories. I felt this was a crucial part of your essay seeing that your wrote about the theaters. Perhaps, if I could make one suggestion it's that maybe you could have talked about the actual movie and how it appealed to your senses a bit more. Also, you change back and forth with your tense such as 'I tried as best as I can not to eat too much before the movie actually started', from 'can' to 'started'. If you have to change tenses, you could actually start on a new paragraph! It might help the flow in your writing :)

    Su Yeon Kim 201500568

  2. Personally, I gained the sympathy from your writing about the theater. The reason is that you describe an atmosphere of the theater so vividly that I recalled my experience to watch a movie in the theater. Especially, the description of the popcorn is really specific enough to imagine it in my own mind. However, I would like to ask you the reason why you use the present tense, not the past tense in the first writing. In my opinion, because it started with the sentence which you recalled the first thing you heard, it would be better to use the past tense. Overall, your writings are very interesting:)!

    201502384 LeeSooKyung

  3. I could personally relate to your description of the study rooms in your second essay! This really reminded me of the study room I went to at school. I especially loved your description of the stuffy air. I belive that anyone would be able to relate to your description, even if they have never been to the specific study room that you have been to. I believe that this is the strength of your writing. Although this was not required for this particular essay, I think that it will be great if you added on any feelings to this essay, considering how it is talking about a study room. The anxiety one might feel while studying perhaps? I think this is a very particular feeling that one might feel there, that cannot be felt anywhere else. Loved your essay :)
