Saturday, October 15, 2016

Jaeyoung Choi/ Task 3.3 and 3.4/ Thursday 1-3pm

Task 3.3



"He acted like the rain – for days with the same speed without any interruption like a big shower."


The first time I read this sentence, I was confused because I couldn't find a coherent relationship between calm rain and a shower. Usually for me, when a big shower is mentioned I picture myself on literally a nonstop infinite water flowing cascade. In my opinion, I thought the metaphor that the author wanted to create was a flowing picture but in the contrary I got completely the opposite, maybe it would have sounded better for me, if it had been as a calm river o something like that.


"Having a conversation with him while walking is the same as now, sitting in a chair next to a window by myself."


By this metaphor I could sense that this mysterious person was quite and shy. He was just like a pillar, one of those friends that are present no matter what. Usually, it would have shown a negative environment, such as like if that person did not care about her that would just carry on with his own business, but because the way the author tries to emphasize his calm and quite personality, I though it was more of a kind and friendly way that he would only stare at you and let you just talk and get it all out.


Task 3.4


1.    He is family.

An infinite river filled of care.

He will never let you down.

He is just love.

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